Support Articles
Tutorials and how-to articles to explain the many features of CollegePlannerPro.
General Questions
- Getting Started: Setting up your CollegePlannerPro account
- How do I add my logo to CollegePlannerPro?
- How do I attach a file to an emailed note?
- Supported browsers and platforms
- Members-Only Facebook Group
- How do I link my mobile phone with CollegePlannerPro?
- Ideas for Profile Note Templates
- How to turn on/off the student Conversation feature
- How do I track student time worked against an allocated number of hours?
- Profile Note Templates
- How do I manage multiple student profile statuses at once?
- Ideas for Multi-Student To-Do's
- How do I edit a Custom College List?
- College Profiles FAQ
- Added and Updated Application Deadlines for 2024 - 2025
- How do I see a list of students accepted to or attending a specific college?
- What is the source of the college data in CollegePlannerPro?
- How do I navigate between colleges on a student's list?
- How do students view their CustomCollegePlan events in an external calendar?
- How do students use their CustomCollegePlan accounts?
- CustomCollegePlan (student portal) resources
- How do I get Students to link their mobile phone with their account?
- How can students create a shortcut to access CustomCollegePlan on a phone or tablet?
- How is a student profile picture added?
- How to view your CollegePlannerPro events on iCloud calendar on your Mac
- How do I prevent clients from scheduling with me when I am busy?
- How to generate an app-specific password from Apple to connect your iCloud calendar to CollegePlannerPro
- How do I view my external calendar events in CollegePlannerPro?
- How to view your CollegePlannerPro events in your Yahoo! Calendar
- How to view your CollegePlannerPro events in your Outlook Calendar
- How do I generate a report listing all My Checklist items?
- How do I see a list of colleges my students are attending?
- How do I create a Prospective Student Report?
- How do I generate a report listing all Student To-Do's?
- How do I create an Exam/Test report?
- How do I create a College deadlines report for all students?
Broadcast Messages
- How to use Canva with Broadcast emails
- Unsubscribing from Broadcast emails
- How do I create a Broadcast Message?
- How do I attach a document to a Broadcast Message?
- How do I send a Broadcast Message?
- How do I create a Broadcast message recipient list?
Billing & Invoicing
- How to collect payment for CollegePlannerPro invoices through PayPal
- How do I email an invoice?
- How do I disable the billing & invoicing module?
- How do I add line items on an invoice?
- How do I manage invoice numbers?
- How do I edit an invoice?
CPP Mobile Version
- How do I access CollegePlannerPro's mobile version?
- How can I create a shortcut to access the CPP mobile version?
- Can I access the regular version of CollegePlannerPro from my mobile device?
- Why do I have to sign in each time to access CollegePlannerPro from my iPhone?
- How do I add a College Tag from my mobile device?
- How do I manage Students from the Mobile Version?
Multi-Consultant (Team) Accounts
- How do I add another consultant to my account?
- Permissions for sub-account consultant profiles
- How do I edit the permissions of existing sub-account consultant users?
- How are students assigned to teammates in multi-consultant accounts?
- How do I manage student profile assignments within my CollegePlannerPro account?
- How do I manage which contact profiles are viewable by consultants on my CollegePlannerPro account?
Affiliate Partner Resources
AchieveWorks® Assessments
- How to navigate and purchase assessments within my full CollegePlannerPro account
- How to navigate and purchase assessments within my standalone CollegePlannerPro Assessments account
- Accessing your unredeemed assessments license keys
- AchieveWorks Assessment Resources
- How do I make assessment results visible for a student?
- How do I change a student's personality type within the AchieveWorks Personality assessment?