Q - What's new?
A - There are many new things to explore!
- More data points! Select from various data categories on the left-hand side of the page to quickly jump to the information you seek. Notable additions - more financial aid data, student body demographics, campus life details (greek/social orgs, campus security, etc), and available athletics programs.
- Google maps integration - you and your students can now see satellite views of campus and use Google's street view to get a feel of what the campus and surrounding areas are like.
- Data sources - to give you context and transparency into where and from when the data is sourced, we've added the Data Sources section.
Q - Where can I find Degree Programs, the Fiske Guide (where available), Essay prompts, the Research Launchpad, Notes & Tags, and Students, Deadlines & Requirements?
A - You can find all of the elements listed above via the menu underneath the school banner:
*Note that while the titles of sections may have changed, all of the functionality you've come to know and love are still front and center.
- College Profile -> STATS
- Degree Programs -> PROGRAMS
- Fiske Guide Profile -> FISKE GUIDE
- Essay Requirements -> ESSAYS
- Research Launchpad -> RESEARCH
- Notes & Tags -> NOTES
- Students, Deadlines & Requirements -> DEADLINES & REQS
Q - Where can I find school weblinks like Online Application, College Website, Net Price Calculator, Financial Aid Info, and Common Data Set (where available)?
A - The weblinks listed above can be found in the school banner (top of the college profile). Click on the "School Weblinks" button to access a list of the relevant links.
Q - What is the source of the college data on the new profiles?
A - The data comes from multiple sources and can vary from profile to profile. Use the side navigation to view the Data Sources and data source year for each data section.
Q - Do my students have access to the new profiles?
A - Yes! You and your students both have access to the same college profiles. Feel free to log in as your students to check it out.
Q- What's new for my students?
A - In addition to the new data points, students can see if a college is on their Suggested List and/or their My List of colleges right from the school's banner at the top of the profile page. Students may also ADD a college to their list directly from the banner as well.
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