Checklists are lists you can create to help you track the many items you need to accomplish for or with your clients. You can start by creating a "Checklist Template" that may be used for multiple students or you can also create an individualized "My Checklist" for each student. Using checklists provides you the assurance that you won't forget any important steps. Checklists are viewable only by you (not by students or their parents).
Checklist items may be created in two ways; you can type in a specific item or you can import/sync items from a "Checklist Template". Checklist templates may be created as a time-saving feature so that you may recycle tasks that would typically be assigned to multiple students. For example, you may include "review student's essays" or "research initial college list" for each student. You may also create specific checklist templates for groups of students (Performing Arts Majors, Student-Athletes, Rising Seniors, etc.). After importing a template to a "My Checklist", you may then add more customized checklist items as needed. For more information see, "How do I create checklist items to manage my student's progress?"
You may enhance your checklist items by adding notes, complete-by dates, and alert messages. Taking "Notes" enables you to provide more detailed information about the checklist item. "Complete-by dates" are set on the individual "My Checklist", not on the template. This allows you to customize each date on a student-by-student basis. To keep you on-task, you may set up both text and email "Alerts". By tracking your progress (Not Complete, In Progress, Completed) within the Checklist Item, you will see a quick view of each item's status on the student's profile page under the "My Checklist" section.
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