The application requirements are set by you for each college profile. They may be added to the college profile so that ALL students see them and they may also be customized on a student-by-student basis, so they can be viewed by specific students. (The suggested way to add requirements is to add them to the college profile first. Then amend this as required for specific students.) Follow this link to learn about, "How do I add Application Requirements from College Profiles?"
Each college or university within CollegePlannerPro has its own (general) profile page. When a school is added to a student’s list, a separate college profile page is then created for that specific student. There are two ways in which you can navigate to a specific student's college profile:
From the College Profile:
There are close to 6,000 college and university profiles available within CollegePlannerPro. The focus of college profiles in CollegePlannerPro is to provide a framework in which you can build up profiles that are helpful for you and your students. To access a College Profile you can either type in the name of the school in the Search box located near the top of your account, or you can head to the Colleges tab to access any recently viewed colleges.
Once on the College Profile, click on the tab at the top called, "Deadlines & Reqs". On this screen, all the students with this college on their list will be shown with their graduation year.
By clicking on the student's name from one of these lists, you will be taken directly to the specific student's college profile. The other option is to navigate there from the student's profile.
From the Student's Profile:
When a student has a college added to their “Suggested College List” or if they’ve added the college to their own, “My List” within CustomCollegePlan, a new profile is created. To access a student’s college profile, navigate to their student profile, and click a school in a student’s college list.
For example, if Duke University is on a Student’s Suggested College List, by clicking on the school in the list, you’ll be taken to the Student’s college profile for Duke.
Once at their profile for a specific college or university, you may begin customizing a profile for the student. From this page, you can set the Admission Probability. Both you and your Student can add one-on-one notes, you may select the target deadline that this student is planning to aim for, you can track their application status, scholarship information, and more.
To verify which page you are on, pay attention to what is listed in the upper-left-hand corner. It will list the student's name first before the school's name, meaning that you are on the specific student's college profile for this school. Otherwise, if it only lists the school name, then you are on the general college profile.
How to add a Requirement from "Quick Add"
1. Once you've navigated to the specific student's college profile, search for the Core Application Requirements and Other Requirements sections.
2. Select "Show quick" to add requirements
3. Click the green + icon to add requirements
NOTE: Requirements listed in the "Quick Add" may be modified for all colleges. For more information on setting these defaults, see "How do I add Application Deadlines and Requirements to the "Quick Add" list?"
How to add a New Requirement
- Once you've navigated to the specific student's college profile, search for the Core Application Requirements and Other Requirements sections.
- Type in requirement name in "Add a requirement" text box
- Click "+Add as new requirement"
NOTE: this requirement will also be added to "Quick Add" for future additions for all colleges
Other Requirement types
If you would like to add an application requirement with a stand-alone deadline, separate from the core application deadline (i.e. Interview, FAFSA) then you will want to create this in the "Other Requirements" section. You are then given the option to select the appropriate date your students will adhere to.
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