Add a note to a College profile
The following steps detail how to add a note to the college's profile. These notes are for all of your students. To add a college note for one student in particular, check out the article: How do I add a College Profile note for a specific Student?
- Navigate to the college profile where you'd like to add a note.
- Click "
Notes" along the menu bar
- Then, click the green "Add new note" button located in the College Notes section
- Either type in the note content or copy and paste from another document source.
- Select if you would like the note viewable by students. The default is set to viewable, therefore toggle to "NO" to make the note not viewable by students.
- When finished, click "Save Note"
Adding College Profile notes in multi-consultant accounts
The benefit of having multiple CollegePlannerPro accounts, called sub-accounts, is that you can share data and resources across the organization, such as College Profile Notes. When adding these types of notes, you have different options on how you want them saved and/or shared.
You may save College Profile notes as:
(1) Private notes,
(2) Viewable by teammates only,
(3) Viewable by students, or
(4) Viewable by students & teammates.
When a new note is created, you will see the on/off toggle for the different options.
- Pictures and images may be added to notes (For more information check out the article, "How do I add an image to a Note?")
- Notes may be imported into student College Reports (For more information check out the article, "How do I add Notes to the College Report?")
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