Intended to make student scheduling easier for consultants who travel or otherwise regularly change the time zone on their account profile, a setting called Appointment Availability Time Zone can be used.
Consultants may update this time zone to set a static (unchanging) time zone that applies to all of their availability on their meeting event types.
Best practices when accessing your CollegePlannerPro account while traveling are to (1) update your profile time zone (in Profile section ) to whichever time zone you are currently in, making sure that it matches the time zone on your device, and (2) ensure that your Appointment Availability Time Zone reflects the time zone you'd like to be reflected in your event availability. The Appointment Availability Time Zone can be thought of as your "permanent" time zone for the purposes of booking meetings, whereas the account/profile time zone should match your location at a given time.
Note that students will continue to see event times in their own time zone.
To edit your Appointment Availability Time Zone, head to your "My Settings & Preferences" by selecting the "Setting" icon in the top-right header. Along the left, within the Calendar & Alert Settings section, locate the specific setting at the bottom (as shown below).
Those using the scheduler will also notice a time zone indicator added to the section where availability windows may be added/edited for a particular event time. This time zone indicator will reflect whichever time zone has been selected and saved in the "Appointment Availability Time Zone" field in settings. By default, the time zone selected here will match whichever time zone is already selected for your account profile.
For a complete walk-through explaining the proper use of this time zones, please view the video below:
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