Consultant / Counselor Timezone
The timezone listed for your account is set in the "Profile" section located in the top right header. This timezone will be the default timezone setting for your account. The timezone setting on your computer will also have an impact on how calendar events are displayed.
Student Timezone
The timezone for an "enabled" student is listed on the student's profile under "Account settings". The student's timezone will automatically default to the timezone listed for your CollegePlannerPro account unless you indicate otherwise. For students who reside in a different timezone from your own, you may want to list their timezone so those calendar events are displayed in the appropriate time zone.
Where is the student's timezone listed?
- Navigate to the student's profile
- In the section " Student Access", click on "Account settings"
- Toggle to the correct timezone
Where is my timezone listed?
- Navigate to your Profile section by clicking on the "Profile" icon in the top right header.
- In the "My Contact Information" section, indicate your timezone
What is the "Appointment Availability Time Zone"?
See: Using the "Appointment Availability Time Zone" setting (released December 2019)
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