Occasionally, you may find yourself looking for a college and cannot find it. If it's a college that you are certain has a profile within your CollegePlannerPro account, read the following tips. If it's a college that needs to be added, jump ahead to Adding a College.
Finding an Existing College
If you're having trouble locating a college, we recommend starting with just a piece of the name. For example, instead of typing in “University of North Carolina Chapel Hill”, try typing in “Chapel Hill” instead.
It's best to modify your search using fewer words. The college name is dependent on how it is listed within College Navigator. The prime source of the profile data is College Navigator (U.S. Department of Education).
Here are some examples of how to modify your search:
- You may be looking for a school with "Saint" in its name. It may be helpful to omit this word in your search since it could be listed as "Saint" or "St" or "St."
- Some names may contain an apostrophe, while others don't (John's vs. Johns). Here, less may be more, and simply typing in "John" would help to find both types
- The school may be listed as a college instead of a university (or vice versa)
- Remove common, non-descriptive words (the, of, etc.) - ex. when looking for "The Citadel", remove "The" and only type in "Citadel". You will still see "The Citadel, The Military College of South Carolina" appear in the search
- Schools are listed using their formal name, not a nickname or common colloquial name. For example, entering "West Point" will not display "United States Military Academy", however, typing in "military" will
If you're still having trouble finding a college, reach out to our support team. We're happy to help!
Adding a College
CollegePlannerPro provides profiles for close to 6,000 colleges and universities. The prime source of the profile data is College Navigator (U.S. Department of Education). In addition to the U.S. schools, there are some international schools that have been added to the CollegePlannerPro database. The college profiles for these international schools may contain limited data due to our data sources' focus on U.S. schools.
If you would like to add a college not found in the CollegePlannerPro database, please contact support at support@collegeplannerpro.com.
The college profile will be modest and not all resources from the Resource Launchpad will provide a direct link. Tags, deadlines, and application requirements may be added for these schools. You may enhance the college profile by using the College Notes section to provide information related to this school and thereby creating a comprehensive profile for your students.
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