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Broadcast email messages provide a great way to send a message to a group of recipients. These groups can contain parents, students, or a mix of both. CollegePlannerPro can even track your Broadcast messages and provide reports on who opened the messages and when. You can also view which messages have been sent to Parents and Students from within their respective profiles. The articles below dig down into the specific functionality you'll find within the CollegePlannerPro Broadcast Message tab.

Creating a Recipient List
It's easy to create groups of message recipients. These lists can consist of Students, Parents or both. You can also add and remove list recipients at any time. To get started building a Recipient list, check out this article, How do I create a Broadcast message Recipient list?

Creating a Broadcast Message
Sending an email to your prospective and current parents and students has never been so simple. You'll even get to see who's received and opened the messages you've sent. To get started creating that first message, check out this article, How do I create a Broadcast message? for step-by-step instructions.

Send or Schedule a Broadcast Message
When you create Broadcast messages you have the option to send the message right away or have messages delivered on a specific date and time. To learn more and see step-by-step instructions to set-up Broadcast message delivery be sure to check out the article, How do I send a Broadcast message?

Tracking your Sent Messages
Once Broadcast messages are sent, CollegePlannerPro can begin to tell you which of your recipients has opened the message in their email inbox and when. To learn more about Broadcast message tracking, the article, Tracking Broadcast messages can explain the functionality in more detail.

Message Attachments
When sending Broadcast messages you may want to provide your recipients with additional documents they can download and print out if needed. So, when sending your Broadcast emails you can attach documents from your "Documents Library." To learn more about attaching documents and managing your "Document Library" be sure to check out, How do I attach a document to a Broadcast message?

Custom Signature
Just like in the email software you currently use, you can create an email signature that will be placed in the message content of your CollegePlannerPro Broadcast email messages. Here's how to set up your signature: How do I create my Broadcast email signature?
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