This article is a part of our New Member Training Guide in the Student Management and Communication section. Navigate to the next article in the series by following the link at the bottom of this article or return to the New Member Training Guide homepage here. |
The Conversation is a continuous back-and-forth of comments between you and a student. It’s designed to provide a fast and effective way to message your students. Both you and your students will have a complete record of these posts. The Conversation will be displayed on both your CollegePlannerPro account and on the student's CustomCollegePlan account. It is just like texting but you do not have to share your mobile phone number.
Comments posted to the Conversation will be sent to your students either by text or email or both. Students who have linked their mobile phones with their accounts can reply to your posts directly from their phones. All of their posts (both from the mobile phone or their account) will be displayed within the Conversation.
You may post comments to the "Conversation" from the student profile. You may access the student profile from both your computer or from a mobile device (CollegePlannerPro's Mobile Version). For more information on the mobile version, check out the article, "How do I access CollegePlannerPro's mobile version?"
You may set up to be notified by text, email, or both each time a student has posted a comment. To set up notifications, see "How do I set up notification preferences for "Conversation" posts made by students?"
As mentioned above, the student also has a record of the Conversation within the student CustomCollegePlan account. The location of the Conversation is slightly different for students depending on whether they are viewing from a desktop device (like a laptop) or a mobile device (like a cell phone or tablet).
DESKTOP: Collapsible side panel accessible from all pages
MOBILE: Students tap the chat icon ( ) in the upper right-hand corner of the device to expand and collapse the Conversation on mobile.
If your account has multiple consultant users, see: How does the Conversation feature work in multi-consultant accounts?
Next Article: Broadcast email messages
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